Phone Dump

I just downloaded 1,400+ pictures from my phone. I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed. Want to see some random ones?

This is how excited she was to swim in her pool for the first time
When I see Rev. before his name I'm still like "Whaaaatt??" and I have to take a picture
Friends took us to Sea World. Kent touched the sting rays and Caris wanted nothing of it
Desperate one Sunday night, I made a mug cake and it changed my life
January birthday lunch. Right after I asked the teenage babysitter, "Do you have any questions?" And she answered, "When do you think you'll be back?" 
Siblings (Alternate caption: Bearded brothers) 
Talking to and kissing her Daddy over Face Time. Dying of cuteness over here! 
Super Heros! 
Kent baptized Liza
Their first ride in the Mega Cart, with the help of Gigi. Liza's look of pure fear gives me a little Mom Guilt winkyface
Found these gems while packing up our old house
I wish this picture had sound too
This is Caris' favorite trick to do with Patch (with help) "Patch leaveeee it. LEAVE ITTT."
Younger siblings pick up on so much just by watching older siblings
Juggling multiple calls with ease 
Some of us spend a Thursday at Disney while the rest of us eat PB&J at home
They've.started.holding.hands. And giggling. 
Wanting to remember random moments on a Sunday morning at church 
Matching jackets: cute in theory, annoying in reality when they're so close in size, but still..
girl squeal!! 


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