
Showing posts from April, 2017

April {phone edition}

Goodbye, April! Here are some pictures from the past month With Aunt Anna on her last day at Disney Caris locked her room and Kent had to tear a side of the door frame off  to get it open. Then he had to nail it back in place and paint it- all while Caris watched with a pair of shorts on her head.  Watching the pool guy clean provides us with weekly entertainment  I took Caris to Michaels to pick out a bridal shower gift. While I shopped, she walked the aisles and picked up random fake flowers and feathers (Have you ever looked for that stuff? Turns out it's everywhere!) She made a bouquet with it and the cashier gave her a bag to carry it in.  Super Heros! A birthday gift from Anna Kent's play dough creation (Zoom in on the barn and tractor) He has a gift.  We took out first beach trip and all got sunburned. I said, "Ok! Woot! My righteousness is not found in adequately saving my children from skin cancer!" and "Holy Smokies! That i...


 I bought this two days after Easter   I locked myself in our bathroom to Face Time my sister  I took my kids to the library and let them play on iPads for thirty minutes   I start most days in real pants, but change into jammie pants half way through. Here I am at 3:30 one afternoon rocking all sorts of colors and patterns while watching my kids play outside  Caris' birthday balloon has been on floating in our living room since March 12 with no signs of coming down. We ignore it (And are impressed by its longevity)

Big & Little

-Talks about the number one hundred and thinks that it is A LOT. "I have 100 kids! " "In the summer you'll have to give me 100 cups of water!" - Loves soccer practice but not soccer games -Thinks a boy on her team is really funny and giggles at him -Is beginning to draw  detailed things like hearts, pigs, elephants (Inspired by Piggie and Gerald ) and mice (Inspired by Cinderella)  -When her sister is upset, she will sometimes say, "Liza. Liza. Can we talk about this?" -Most mornings will only let Kent get her out of the crib "Need daddy" - Likes to throw things, climb and tumble. She'll jump to you even when you're not ready -Is good at cleaning up toys -Wants to complete tasks by herself. "I do it, I do it. I.DO.IT!" -Has dropped from a two hour nap to a one hour nap


Dear Dad, thanks for answering my text with a phone call as I pushed iron supplements around in my grocery cart and for reminding me that a complicated question gets a complicated answer Dear Clearance Easter Candy, I tried not very  hard to resist you, but couldn't do it Dear Ilse, Thanks for passing on your Family Circle magazine to me so that I can have something easy to read while keeping my kids alive Dear Liza, Watching you think hard to form sentences is the cutest thing I've ever seen and heard Dear Caris, Listening to you dramatically read picture books that you've memorized is the cutest thing I've ever seen and heard Dear Lazy Genius Granola Stored in a Glass Container on My Kitchen Counter, thanks for making me feel like a hipster baking mom and for tasting delicious with vanilla greek yogurt Dear Pregnancy Weight Gain, I love your purpose, but why do you always insist on taking up residency in my face? Dear Bigger Car Savings Account, every m...

Easter {in 6 pictures}

Easter breakfast. Coconut flakes+green food dye+donuts With a couple of minutes to spare, a self timer family picture in the playroom  Although we drove separately, I asked Kent to find us in the parking lot to help me. I failed to mention that I was going to park in a different parking lot andddddd I guess didn't hear my phone My brother and I share a love for rolls consumed on holidays  Here's Moody Judy. She survived almost three hours in the church nursery and she was hungry. She insisted on sitting "RIGHT here" and using a big fork.  I couldn't not invite Ilse for lunch (after asking Kent) She was excited to show the girls a video of a bunny singing a catchy Easter song in German.  *They changed into their jammies after church. Raise 'em right!  Happy Easter! He is risen! Easter last year


Making: Banana pudding tonight  Cooking: Kent grilled a steak and brats last night Drinking: Reheated coffee  Reading: About Jesus' death, with the girls, today  (A day late! And I still might forget!)   Wanting: To eat a big bowl of fresh fruit salad Looking: For play/sporty sandals for Liza Eating: Hershey Kisses and Cadbury milk chocolate mini eggs at night Wishing: Caris would actually run during her soccer game. Y''s rough.  Enjoying: Feeling the baby more frequently   Thinking: About if #3 is a boy or girl. I'm getting curious.  Celebrating: Easter tomorrow. Jesus offers eternal life through his death and resurrection!  Loving: Caris' excitement when I gave her new crayons and markers Hoping: Kent will hang some pictures and art for me later today Needing: To pick out clothes for church so we'll be on time tomorrow  Listening: To Kent mow the lawn and Cari...


2015 For now, Kent has deemed Easter a family-only holiday for us. This is a huge relief as I felt the desire need to have people over for lunch, but with Kent preaching Maundy Thursday+attending Good Friday service+a neighborhood outreach event on Saturday+both of us attending two services on Sunday (IAMNOTCOMPLAINING) The idea of hosting an Easter lunch while not burning the green beans, makes me want to curl up in a ball and close my eyes. BUT the thought of eating an Easter Feast in my we're talking. Regardless of the gestational state of my womb, every year I look forward to a delicious, big Easter lunch. What can I say, my Ma spoiled me. Would I love to drive 15 minutes to her house and eat what she's prepared? You 'betcha! But, as Anna pointed out while I was eating copious amounts of pistachios, food tastes better when you work for it. Here's my Easter menu: Ham Green beans Rolls (Homemade? I'd love to, but I'm starting to b...

Our Soccer Star

The best part about Caris' first soccer game was that Aunt Anna was there to see it! Kent did a great job double folding her socks, tying up her shirt (and she's wearing two pairs of shorts to help bulk up the bottom)  The game was 5% cute and 95% painful to watch. Most of our team walked around the entire time. Caris started running in the last two minutes and even managed to score a goal! Also, for the next game we're bringing a beach umbrella, sunglasses, sunscreen, and I don't know...abnormally large ice cubes. I had to take a Is this my real life? Do I have a really have kid playing her in her first organized sporting event? Cue all the feelings  picture  We celebrated with dessert afterwards. GO CAYGIS! (She yells as she shops for a Soccer Mom car magnet online)


3 Reasons Why Hanging Out with Kids is Good for You 1. They have no filter. What comes into the brain usually comes out of the mouth.  "How did you get that boo-boo on your face?" (Boo-boo = pimple) "Are you sleepy? You look sleepy" A lady recently told Caris that she liked our kid-size camping chair and Caris told her that it was from a yard sale. I was equally proud and embarrassed. I usually get to know someone before I flaunt my frugality.  2. They help you notice the small things.  A sighting of the moon during the day gets the loudest cheers.  We take our girls to Disney World, the happiest place on earth, and they're continually humored and interested in the tiny birds that hop around eating stray pieces of popcorn. "Birdies!!!" 3. They need things explained very clearly and in turn, you have a clear reminder of the basics.  "Babies have a string that sticks to their belly button and that's how the...

Where Dreams Come True

Lest you think I've been stranded, car-less, at my house for a week, my battery and alternator are fine (Although the car mechanic in me still has some doubts) and I  Kent walked away from the car place with new power steering fluid and a new dashboard (related to a recall. So random) My car came to life just in time for Anna's arrival! We've spent four hot  magical days at Disney (a day at each park) Countless... Miles driven Toll roads paid Calories consumed  Steps taken Meltdowns had Tantrums averted Shows watched  Rides enjoyed Random sunburned spots