Letters from Little Miss

Dear shoppers at Walmart, sorry I can't smile at you on demand. Don't take it personally- I'm like, one blink away from a deep, deep sleep.

Dear Mom, it's one thing to change my diaper in the parking lot. It's a whole other thing to yell, "POOPYYYY!!" in a high pitched, happy voice. Wait! I think I just saw something fly out the window... Oh, never mind, it was just my DIGNITY.

Dear nursery workers, thanks for feeding me the rest of my prunes yesterday. 

Dear prunes, thanks for the colon cleanse.

Dear my own voice, I didn't know I could make those sounds! Let's keep practicing.

Dear Patch, all I give you is smiles and you return the favor by eating two of my socks. What gives?

Dear Dad, thanks for not letting Mom put me in daycare so she could take a substitute teaching job. You even offered to quit your job instead. I owe you one.


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