Dear Kent, after thirty years of marriage, let's look at each other like Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson looked at each other the other day when she received her Hollywood Star Dear Readers, if you haven't seen Tom and Rita look at each other the other day, google it. PRECIOUS is an understatement. Here , let me save you a step. Dear Tom, I like to think that we're on a first name basis. I mean, after all, you're WOODY. Anyways, 5.6 million people follow you on Instagram and you follow one person, your wife. In a digital age, that is classically romantic Dear Daughters, you spent 4 hours in your room today not cleaning + 15 minutes cleaning. This has made for the easiest parenting day ever! Your dad and I are in great moods. Dear Pub Sub, Kent put you on wheat bread and I just wasn't feelin' it. If I'm going to splurge on you, you need to come wrapped in cozy white bread. Dear Pale Legs, yep. It's here again. Shorts weather Dear Local Thrift Store...