
Making: A list of Christmas gift ideas (& already waiting on some packages woot!) 
Cooking: Thawing chicken for dinner tonight- trying to free up some freezer space
Drinking: A cup of earl grey decaf tea
Reading: The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert thanks to ANS, my Amazon Prime Santa 
Wanting: The rest of November and December to go s l o w l y
Looking: To add a few staples to my wardrobe. Who can help me figure out this ankle boot situation? 
Eating: For lunch we ate ramen noodles with scrambled eggs and peas, tossed with a little olive oil and parmesan cheese (I know) 
Wishing: I hadn't just spilled tea on my shirt 
Enjoying: These cold rainy days when I can embrace the true nature of my homebody-ness without judgement
Thinking: About teaching a co-op class next semester 
Celebrating: That the hardwoods floors are steam mopped before 3PM today (or at all, really) 
Loving: We love watching Auds McGauds copy us, feed her baby doll, babble, etc. 
Hoping:  That at least one family shows up for the field trip I planned for tomorrow- touring a grocery store! (I know) 
Needing: Ankle boots, duh  
Listening: To the quiet of rest time and Caris crafting in the play room
Feeling:  Both ready and scattered about the holiday season 
Wearing: Clemson sweat pants that are "a few years old" (Um, try NINE YEARS, Kait y'old fart) and a t shirt 
Watching: The Great British Baking show, but I miss Mary Berry and Kent's working his way through The Office 
Texting: My Mom to commiserate about cleaning our houses


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