Pregnancy Joy
I'm now pregnant longer than I was with Baby #1. We're out of the preemie danger zone and looking forward to meeting a (Lord willing) happy, healthy, maybe even chubby? baby girl. In honor of this moment, here are...
10 things that can steal your pregnancy joy
Lack of sleep
Your dog eating a dirty diaper
Your dog throwing up on the rug
A toddler
Trying to breathe
Bending over
Your to do list
Back fat
are you laughing?
oh, you thought i said fat back??
Mmm, now we're talkin!
10 things that can steal your pregnancy joy
Lack of sleep
Your dog eating a dirty diaper
Your dog throwing up on the rug
A toddler
Trying to breathe
Bending over
Your to do list
Back fat
are you laughing?
oh, you thought i said fat back??
Mmm, now we're talkin!
you forgot "the inability to sit on a couch comfortably for more than three and a half minutes." (or maybe your couch works better for you??) :) Can't wait for baby Suits #2!!!