Likes... Coloring! She will color for the longest time (we're almost positive that she's left handed), eating, dancing, listening to music- she bobs her head anytime she hears it, being in the pool, jumping on our bed, climbing, copying big sister, playing pretend- drinking and eating from the play kitchen or holding a baby doll. Dislikes... walking, getting yelled at (by big sister) or any kind of harsh tone, she'll cry. She has started to cry again when getting dropped off at the nursery or Y if I drop her off (She's fine if Kent does it), diaper changes are sometimes traumatic. Is good at... Being adorable, throwing a ball, She can hold her own during a screaming match with Caris, climbing- onto chairs and tables (cue my daily heart attack), getting into things- lipstick smeared on our bathroom floor today, "cra-lking"- her crawl/walk hybrid, driving the play car around the house, scaring bugs and lizards- she crawls over, throws her hands up an...