5 Things to Watch {Now that the Olympics are over}
1. The Great British Bake Off Kendra, The Lazy Genius , sums up 7 Life Lessons from the show much better than I could. All the contestants, judges and hosts are so nice, proper and upbeat, even in the midst of intense competition and sometimes disappointment. You will find yourself s t r e s s i n g o u t over the bake time of a sponge cake and wiping off drool from the side of your mouth. 2. An 18 month old playing with bubbles This might be the last thing I want to see before I die. 3. Something to inspire or leave you speech less, like The Drop Box Film My only contingence is, no food documentaries that inspire you to save the animals and only eat organic lentil beans. I have mad love for the animals, but...bring on the meat. (*Hi Anna) 4. A sunset. The stars. A bug. Get thine buttocks outside Enough said. 5. A movie that you love. An old favorite. One that you only have to half way watch because you've seen it so many times {and it still leaves you with the war...