It seems risky to make goals for the new year when you're 9 months pregnant. Or is it actually GENIUS ? If I find myself at the end of 2015 with none of my goals met I can just get a crazy look in my eyes, throw my hands up in the air and say, "WHAT? I was NINE MONTHS PREGNANT !" Many bloggers (and maybe you) pick words to describe the new year and their goals. Words like flourish, grow, joy, rest.. If I picked a word? survive . I will have two kids under two years of age (only for 2.5 months, but we'll leave that detail out for dramatic emphasis) so survival sounds like a good plan. Ok, ok, my real word is: details . I'm not exactly sure what this will look like, but maybe paying attention to the details of my kids (plural! wohoo!) , my husband, my marriage, my time, the food we eat, the things I read and watch.... I'd have to met up with you for a cup of coffee to really explain my word, but there it is. Details . Goals and resolutions are too ...