Questions for 2015

It seems risky to make goals for the new year when you're 9 months pregnant.

Or is it actually GENIUS?

If I find myself at the end of 2015 with none of my goals met I can just get a crazy look in my eyes, throw my hands up in the air and say, "WHAT? I was NINE MONTHS PREGNANT!"

Many bloggers (and maybe you) pick words to describe the new year and their goals. Words like flourish, grow, joy, rest..

If I picked a word? survive.

I will have two kids under two years of age (only for 2.5 months, but we'll leave that detail out for dramatic emphasis) so survival sounds like a good plan.

Ok, ok, my real word is: details. I'm not exactly sure what this will look like, but maybe paying attention to the details of my kids(plural! wohoo!), my husband, my marriage, my time, the food we eat, the things I read and watch.... I'd have to met up with you for a cup of coffee to really explain my word, but there it is. Details.

Goals and resolutions are too intense so here are some questions for 2015

Will this be the year...

-That I stop telling Kent how to drive?
(this includes comments, noises and hand motions)

-That I pray regularly and with expectation to see things happen?

-That I follow my dreaded weekly cleaning schedule and only complain 50% of the time?
(this includes complaining out loud and in my head)

-That I tithe in the correct month (errr..) and make it to church early enough not to be sweating and to be able to greet others with a smile?

-That I ease off of social media?
(No impulsive checking 'round the clock, early in the morning and late at night)

-That I find a BLESS-ED hobby? Crocheting, sewing, reading, writing, walking, baking, biking, karate...something?

What are your questions for 2015?


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