Christmas part 1

We loaded up the Toyota with one toddler, one 80 pound dog, one 8 month pregnant chick, a rooftop carrier and a stash of Christmas gifts and headed North to the South. We left room for one special addition, our friend+baby-in-baking, SJCP! She made the last leg of the journey a  lot more fun. 

This picture depicts my inner "I'm so tall, you're so short" struggle that I've had since middle school

But let's not forget that she was the one that hooked me up to the social pipeline in the 8th grade so she can be as short as she wants to be. If it weren't for her, I'd still be sitting in the corner of the middle school cafeteria.
The Suits family is now the size of a small army. Caris was grandbaby #7 in 2013 and our 2nd baby will be #11 with grandbaby #12 already in the oven. 
Didja follow me?
My mother in law got a pink BBGun. Hide your wife, hide your kids...
Kent in his happy place
We spent time with Gigi and Pops after 6 long months apart. It didn't take long for Caris to warm up to them, much to my relief. 
We might need to send this picture to Sara so she can work some editing magic, but here's the gang! Our Pre-Christmas get together with the ParkerIIs. 


  1. Two cute pregnant girls. Hardly notice the height difference.
    Why does Kent's hoodie have a power cord?

  2. I feel like a celebrity!!! Featured on Kait's blog?!!? This is a big day! :)

    So glad we got to visit in the car and catch up and see each other's preggo bumps. Miss you!



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