Christmas Part 2

This was our first Christmas on the road after a few years of hosting it. Here's our makeshift Christmas tree that Kent set up. 
We woke up to a sick toddler. We had to switch our "It's your STOCKING! Look PRESENTS! Yum CANDY!" expectations to no real expectations at all. 
With Ma and Pa home for Christmas, we felt like a "normal" family! Anna hosted the gatherings. Here is Ma welcoming us on Christmas morning in her fleece reindeer jammies. 
A Happy Birthday Jesus candle and Ma's delish Christmas casserole. 
Little Miss had moments when her medicine kicked in and she was happy. 
Only a Grandma would give a toddler a blue raspberry lollipop. 
It was a tech-filled Christmas day with lots of TV and iPad time for the sick girl 
It's easy to snuggle up beside Uncle Ben when he lets you watch Curious George 
 Watching Frozen (Where Caris waited and waited for "Owaf" to appear)
I wouldn't wish for a sick girl, but the snuggles were pretty nice
Pops was tired after all of the eating and TV watching 
Starting and ending Christmas with a sick kid was no fun, but we tried to make the most of it! High five to the family members who endured the whining, crying and overall crankiness all day. 


  1. How about a close up picture of your mom in the reindeer PJs?
    Also, Shelly looks overly excited watching Frozen, or am I mistaken?

  2. haaahaha EXCITED isn't even a strong enough word to use :)


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