Life Lately

Life Lately 
{according to my semi-decent camera phone}

Temperatures in the 60's & 70's call for maternity leggings and yoga pants
I LIVE for these days
I'm pretty sure I'll help Caris pack for college (THIS DAY WILL NEVER COME. NEVER GROW UP) while wearing my maternity leggings
 I tried to run errands with Miss C. We were unsuccessful and ended up at Pet Smart looking at mice while my brain cells slowly died and my shopping list remained long...
 I had a fun idea to treat my best gal pal to a snack after a sorta successful shopping trip, but she ended up being the toddler in the corner crying every 2 minutes after yet another brain freeze
 I preregistered at the hospital. It's a nice feeling to be a "normal" pregnant chick and actually check things of the to-do list. Caris wasn't having any of it.
"See you guys at the car"
 Kent has started to occasionally bike to work which has quickly increased my prayer life. I dropped him off at the church to bike home and then followed him. I gave him a few "real life" scenarios- mostly honking cars and girly screams out the window from adoring fans. 
 This was nap time. Too many skittles led to wicked heartburn so I swore off skittles for the next few weeks for forever. 
 I requested a smoothie one morning and it wasn't until Kent handed it to me that I realized it was the SAME EXACT thing I had eaten (with Anna & Kerith, while watching Return to Me. Good times) the night before I had Daughter #1. Also the same as last time, I wasn't full term yet and I almost didn't eat it...but then I did. 
 Come to Mama
 I enjoyed some Face Time with my BFF. This was my set up. 
 Caris hugged her dad while walking into Target. Like, both arms around his neck, wouldn't let go hugged. This never happens and his smile says it all. Also, I need to work on my walk-while-taking-a-picture-backwards ability. 
 They were thrrrrrrrilled to follow me around Target
 We shared a donut date with girl #1 before girl #2 arrives


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