{How to} A Silly String Gender Reveal

How to have a DIY Silly String Gender Reveal
{in 5 easy steps}

1. Go to Party City at 2PM on New Year's Eve carefully carrying THE envelope. Immediately notice how crowded Party City is. Whisper "hooooo.l.yyyyyyy cowwww" under your breath. Grab 4 cans of silly string (2 blue, 2 pink). Debate getting in the line that is 15 people deep and going nowhere fast. Get in line. Get out of line, leave Party City and hope that Target has silly string.

*Make a mental note to never shop on New Year's Eve again

2. Walk into Target. It's just as crowded, but with more space. Sigh a sigh of relief. Your determination has returned. Put 4 cans of silly string in your cart along with 4 large Tupperware containers, a new clothes hamper, two(!) kiddie Christmas cups (70% off), fabric freshener spray and a small trashcan. 

Maybe I'm nesting?

Don't worry, guys. Gift cards. 5 1/2 year old wedding gift cards to be exact. 

3. When you're ready to check out, pick a cashier who looks like they're the most capable of understanding the idea of a gender reveal and the least likely to mess it up. In my case, it was a teenage girl. Explain the idea to her. It might go something like this..

"My husband and I are going to find out the sex of our baby. I only want to buy one color of the silly string. If you'll look in  this envelope and look at the picture. If it says girl, put the pink bottles in the bag, if it says boy, put the blue bottles in. Then, hide the other color so I don't know"

She might say, "Ok" 


You might have the urge to suddenly talk quickly and dramatically and with your hands. "No like, do you GET IT? {Repeat above directions} Like, I REALLY don't want to find out the sex of the baby while standing in line at Target."

Refrain from doing this (I refrained!). Turn your back while she looks, double bags up the correct color and hides the other colors. She did great!

4. Leave the bag in your car until you're ready for the reveal. Too tempting. 

5. When you're ready, put the bag under a thick blanket and carefully unseal and take of the colored caps. Take the bottles outside, shake and spray!

*Unlike me, avoid your toddler's eyes or your reaction will go something like this..

Is that blue?
NO it's pink!
We're having a...
I think I sprayed her in the EYE
Oh geez


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