Pork Chops

Please avert your eyes if... 

A) You LOVE pork, but can't eat any right now (Living in South Sudan, Lent, Weight Watchers, whatever)

B) You HATE pork

2 Reasons why my dad would be proud of this picture:
1. I cooked pork chops for the very first time! He loves pork chops and for the last handful of his Pre-Sudan birthdays, my Mom would cook them for his birthday dinner. I was never a big fan, but here I am...cooking pork chops. 

Pops, I'll fry you up some next time we're together.

2. Not pictured, but part of the meal, were cheddar biscuits (Have I mentioned we're semi-calorie counting around here?) The recipe yielded about 12 biscuits (Uhh have I mentioned we're semi-calorie counting around here?) So I cut the recipe in half which meant... dividing-ish fractions.

And for someone who figures out percents when shopping like this, "Okay, what's 15% of $20.00? Well 10% is $2.00 off so $18...minus a little more...plus a little more for tax..." dividing fractions is kind of a big deal.

So, on Monday night I ate my pork chop and biscuit, exceeded my calorie count and knew that far across the ocean, my dad was proud of me.


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