Day 5: One Year

Little Miss, at One Year...

-You wear size 3 diaper
-You weigh 16 pounds 12 ounces 
-You are 27 inches long
-You wear {mostly} 9-12 month clothes
-You sleep for 11-12 hours/night
-You eat 3 meals, 2+ snacks and nurse at night
-You have 2 teeth 
You like to eat cheese, grapes, bananas, apple sauce, yogurt, pears, peaches, ice cream, a bagel with butter, oranges, peanut butter and jelly, graham crackers, goldfish, cheerios, baked beans, fig newtons, deli meat, chicken nuggets, french fries & much more!

You love MUSIC, dancing, toys with noise, waving to the dog, crawling into the garage, being outside, bath time, playing peek-a-boo, taking things out of bags/off of shelves and tables, sucking your thumb, reading books, going on walks, Sesame Street videos on Youtube, feeding the dog from your high chair, going "bye-bye"- even if it's just to get the mail, swinging at the park and watching/hearing videos of yourself

You don't (always) love diaper changes, getting strapped into your car seat, constricting hugs (that your Daddy gives), getting dressed, teething, being away from me, the church nursery (you're getting better), when we take something away from you (phone/TV clicker/wallflower air freshener), prolonged shopping trips, kissing your Daddy (scratchy face), drinking cow's milk and wearing shoes 
You're able to wave "hi" and "bye bye", give kisses (to me or your baby doll), pull up on objects, cruise from one piece of furniture to the next, stand alone-only for a second, clap your hands, say "mama" and "dada", feed yourself-with your hands, drink from a sippy cup, go outside or to the garage backwards-by turning around first, walk behind your walking toy, open a hard back book-and turn the pages and give a "high-five"


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