Day 1: At About This Time...

At the end of February (Baby Suits was 32 weeks cooked) my belly was measuring small. Through an ultrasound, we saw that there was low amniotic fluid & the fancy label was Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Baby Susu was running out of room. I was also monitored for a short time for preeclampsia because all of the sudden I was swollen like a plump tomato. 

I was put on bed rest, released to go back to work, put back on bed rest, checked twice a week, hospitalized one night and drinking a gallon of water a day. I still had secret hopes (and prayers. Lots of prayers) that a) I would carry my baby full term- even until her due date, April 6th and b) That she would flip and no longer be breech. I played music below my belly button (I mean who WOULDN'T flip for Josh Groban??), I laid upside down on an ironing board, I put a flash light on my belly- slowing tracing the path that she should take... idon'twantacsectionidon'twantacsection

Aside from being sick early on, the pregnancy was fine up until this point. Then I became a train that was slowly, but surely derailing {...and rapidly expanding...} 

my one night hospital stay
From the end of February until the middle of March (Baby weeks 32-36) I hunkered down on bed rest and drank water while Kent practiced his swaddling skills on our dog.
 I was pumped when Anna came to town for Spring Break. Because a) I needed her help (the nursery in particular) and b) I needed some bed rest entertainment.

Doesn't she look fab in her all black attire with her hair pulled back? 
 We did a maternity photo session with Sara (The doctor cleared me for that, strangely enough), Sara and Anna hosted a baby shower for me (March 9th) where Ben stopped by wearing super mismatching socks
 March 10th was a {bed rest} Sunday. Anna, Kerith (She surprised me! Remember?) and I watched Return to Me and Kent whipped up some oh-so-fancy strawberry smoothies for us in between studying for his exam the next day...March 11th...


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