A Hospital Stay

Thoughts on...

 A Hospital Stay for Oligohydramnios 

(Oh yes, whippin' out the big medical words)

-An introvert, wall flower, "I just wanna be invisible" getting wheeled across the parking lot to the hospital = AWESOME
-Getting stuck for an IV...yowzas! But babbling about how "your brother just had open heart surgery so surely you could get an IV" does kind of help
-Once you get the initial cry over, everything gets better. Also helpful: saying "I miss my Mom" in a 5 year old voice. 
-Relying on people (even your husband and mother in law) is quite humbling
-Leaning the hospital bed back slowly can make you feel like an astronaut getting into position, ready to orbit the moon
-Hospital food is decent. Loved the pizza, fruit and chocolate milk. Will skip the french fries and breakfast (altogether) next time
-It helps to pretend that you're just on a Babymoon vacation complete with cable tv and room service
-Visits from siblings provide a nice distraction. Thanks Ben, Wes and Sara. 


  1. Hang in there!! I know living at the hospital can't be awesome. Different hospital, different state, but your hospital food conclusions are exactly what mine were when B was born. : ) Praying for you and that sweet baby.

  2. Well since the church email let it slip that you are having a girl, I can say Yay Happy Baby Girl!! Hang in there Katlin. The water retention will come off very quickly once the baby is born. In fact it is quite dramatic change. And for months you get to eat lots of good yummy stuff without thought or care of calories (breastfeeding benefit). AND your Mom will be there to cook for you. AND she will be there to buy lots of clothes, hats, booties, and bows. Won't that be awesome! Your Dad will be there to tell you everything is fine 400,000 times because new moms think everything is wrong. And Kent will be there the first time you see her little face. I can't believe we will miss seeing her. Post lots of pictures please!

    1. Oh and the above was written by Sarah not Michael. :)


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