Patch {6 Years}

Patch turned six in August! He lives a boring, yet comfortable life with us. He is capital G Great with the girls. In fact, they tend to run the show with him. Caris enjoys watching him run jog through the house as she chases him with a doll stroller. They enjoy feeding him in the morning which he's tickled about because every morning there are stray kibble bits all over the floor. 

He is mellow, hardly ever barks, and l o v e s to be near us (see picture below). He listens well, walks on a leash perfectly (thanks, Kent!) and hasn't eaten anything crazy lately.. that we know of. His character flaws are aggressively licking his stinky bottom, creeping in the kitchen while we eat, following me around (Like, at all times. If I stop walking, he bumps into me) and recently he has taken up drinking from toilets. 

Love Like you, Patch! Here's to another six years because we know you'll be around that much longer. winkyface
"YES!! Laundry Day!!!"


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