3 Big* Things I did in August

*Big things for my small life 
1. Started a budget

Once upon a time in our marriage we tried a cash budget. I toted a little envelope with a couple of Benjamins in it to the grocery store and as the month wore on I would eventually break out in hives and wait for large drops of perspiration to form on my forehead in the check out line as I wondered if I would run out of money after all the groceries were scanned and bagged (THIS IS MY WORST FEAR EVER. AND IT HAS HAPPENED ONCE) Eventually I would ditch food purchases altogether and spend the rest of the money at Goodwill. Yay. End of cash budget.

I'll elaborate more on my budget for all of you poor souls curious readers in another post, but for now I want to say that this budget is self-induced and my husband is supportive of all purchases and doesn't give me a hard time about...really anything. HIGH-FIVE KENT.

2. Deleted Apps

I deleted multiple apps from my phone. Although I wasn't spending a ton of time on my phone, some apps always made me feel like there's something out there. This is hard to explain, but maybe you know the feeling. My mind would wander off to possible pins and tweets and posts that I knew had to be lingering out there on the world wide web. After I deleted my Twitter/Pinterest/Instagram apps, when I was making a PBJ sandwich, I was literally just flinging peanut butter on bread. It felt so...2003. And it was freeing! I don't need to know what Paul David Tripp thinks about the importance of corporate worship or 52 ways to declutter your home. I'm not sure the apps will stay off my phone forever, but it was a nice change of pace.

I think I can actually hear my family saying "ohhh myyy gershhhh is Kait talking about the evils of social media again?" while rolling their eyes. 

3. Cut back on my nursery volunterism 

Speeeeaking of corporate worship (Hi, Mr. Tripp! [[friendly hand wave]])  I realized that volunteering once a month in the church nursery (for the size of our church) was way, way too often. I wanted to share the love (winky face) with other capable church members. I'm loud, intense and brave at home, but it turns out that with other people in the real world...I chicken out. I go all Introvert and am like, "umm world peace?" BUT I sucked up the courage and told the nursery coordinator that I wanted to go to every other month. And she put me on the emergency sub list and we know what that means... ha. I'll keep you posted. 

Goodbye August! 


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