
Making: Plans to have a yard sale  
Cooking:  A tasty vegetable curry slow cooker meal on Meatless Monday
Drinking: The occasional Diet Coke 
Reading: I'm in a reading rut! Suggestions welcome. Happy, easy books, please
Wanting: All of our lingering coughs/congestion to bid us farewell 
Looking: At birthday gift ideas for the man of the house 
Eating: Caris and I made an apple pie this week and it lasted two days
Wishing: Kent would stop drinking all the cold Diet Cokes
Enjoying: Chocolate chips for dessert tonight
Thinking: How do people wear jeans through the summer in Florida? Maybe they have ice pack lined jeans. 
Celebrating: The fact that Caris is (fingers crossed) no longer a thumb sucker! 
Loving:  Kentario's weekend (Fri-Sat) is always a nice parenting relief
Hoping: For a rainless saturday beach trip  
Needing: To buy a new fall candle
Smelling: We've had a huge storm yesterday so, fresh rain. Can't beat it.
Listening: To the video Kent's playing on YouTube about the making of No Country For Old Men 
Feeling:  Socially maxed out with a bible study last night and this morning. Introverts unite! 
Wearing: Tye dye tank top and running shorts (emphasis on the shorts, not the running) 
Watching: We're catching up on the latest season of Master Chef. No spoilers! 


  1. I would recommend Fangirl. Warning there is some language but it was definitely a binge read. Or there is a trilogy called the Madman's Daughter that I just finished and if you are okay with some fantasy it's a good one.

    Also, I want to know how you got caris to not suck her thumb. Macy sucks her finger. Her teeth are growing around it and I think her finger is starting to grow crooked :/

  2. Thanks for the book ideas! I've seen Fangirl floating around on different book lists. Ugh, the thumb/finger struggle is real. We did a sticker/reward chart (our first one ever), but she was also asking us to buy a thumb guard so I guess she was ready? I'll try to explain it more soon! Good luck :(


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