Mudder's Day

My two requests for Mother's Day were 1. The Pioneer Woman's Peanut Butter Pie and 2. Not to wipe any bootychumbas, cook any food or do any dishes all day. And "Oh yeah, there's some bacon in the fridge that I bought if you wanna you know, cook it for breakfast on Sunday." 

I enjoyed brekkie with my two best girls. 
Centerpiece: my painting supplies from a crafting sesh the day before. 
I enjoyed lunch with my two best girls + my favorite pastor. I'd like to introduce you to Caris' "Excuse me, but is this meat? Thanksbutnothanks"
She ate her meat so we we were all able to to enjoy the So Good Make Me Wanna Smack My Mama peanut butter pie. Two thumbs up! 
She was adamant about washing the dishes after lunch. Counterproductive but ADORABLE. (Liza, not pictured, was home the entire day, I promise) Say hello to my wooden kitchen that belongs somewhere in the hills of Western Virginia. 
Everyone took a nap... (even baby Moses pictured below)
While I enjoyed a few shows on Netflix and reheated coffee
{Introvert mom alert}I ended the day by taking my therapy dog on a long, quiet walk on a local trail. The true gift was having my Sunday night free {and all the youth pastor wives said amen} 
I stumbled upon a ditty about motherhood by my buddy, Paul. I dismiss people, namely my two best pastor friends- Charles and Robrett, when they try to tell me what an important job I have, but YO PAULIE, I think I get it. Like, shaping world views? Wowzas. You can listen to his blurb here. 
And days later my oldest is still showering me with random "HAPPY MUDDER'S DAY!" blessings. 


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