Guest Post: Motherhood


I am excited to introduce my ma, Shelly, featured today as our guest blogger! (golf clap) I asked her ten questions related to motherhood and here's what she had to say..  

1. For any readers who may not know you, please tell us a little about yourself and your role as Mom. Who calls you Mom? Did you work at home (winkywink) or outside of the home? 

I am the mother to four perfect children who now range between the ages of 31 to 25 years .Wesley, Kaitlin, Benjamin and Anna. I am a mom-in-law to two perfect inlaws, Sara and Kent. I am a”Gigi” to four perfect grandchildren, Caris, Cruz ,Liza Shelly ,and Finley. I also had the privilege of having two foster sons, Alex and Ali , whom I loved over a period of five years. Prior to becoming a mom I was a nurse and I came home to be a mom full time except for the hours I worked between a few kids to prepay for the delivery of the next child.

2. What is one thing that you miss from the early years? What is one thing you don't miss?

What I miss most about the early years would be the way children look at life and the world , looking under rocks looking for bugs ,touching the tree bark, jumping in the raked up leaves, being excited to see the full moon,snow. What a privilege to be the teacher of a young one. The activity of a home with young children is definitely loud, emotional , tiring and there were many times I wanted a break . The break eventually comes a few years down the  path and by then the childlike vantage point is gone with it.
What I do not miss is the late night feedings.

3. Looking back now, what would you tell the Shelly of 1992?

I would tell the 1992 Shelly ,who has four young ones ,lives on a very tight budget, misses working……. Pray and strive to be content . ( II Corinth. 12:10 and Phil. 4 )
As a Jesus follower I can look and see that God is in control of all things. The days and events He has given me are the right and good ones.  I struggled and still do struggle with this but I know that as I have look to be content ,by being thankful ,and by asking God to forgive my complaining ,I was and am able to put off complaining and to focus on the now .In doing that I can be present and have great joy in seeing the wonders of now

4. How did you EVER raise kids without the internet?! Google, WebMD, Pinterest...

(Editors Note:this question went unanswered)

5. Can you identify a "Mom Fail" of yours for us?

I think a mom fail would be that I was not very verbal . I wish I would have just instructed all the time as I chatted .I like that about Kait and Sara.

6. How does the gospel apply to Motherhood?

The gospel is the most needed tool for a mom . The gospel being  … I am a sinner in need of a Savior. Jesus came ,lived that perfect life that God required,died and rose again ,conquering death. By acknowledging him as my Savior and confessing my sins I am forgiven ,seen to have Jesus’ perfect record on me . That is the foundation to live on and then fellowship ,prayer,the Holy Spirit and Bible learning fill in and keep us growing .So ,when life does not go well we know God loves us and is with us. When we mess up we can humble ourselves and ask forgiveness of our husbands or our children as well as the Lord. When we are weak we can go to the Lord for long endurance. When there is a better mom or prettier mom we can confess our comparing and come to the foot of the cross for forgiveness and comfort. And on the flip side we can have great joy ,no fear because we are in Christ

7. What's one thing you felt you did well as a Mom? 

I played well . I also kept books and some art and music before my kids to learn and to enjoy. We also modeled participation/ in a local Body of believers.

8. Is there a Mom that you currently admire? Why?

There are many I still admire and am looking to  learn how to be a mom and a grandmom  in this phase. However who comes to mind with regard to admiration is a group no mom wants to be a part of . I know three women who are  different ages  and who now  have a child in heaven. In the last months I have been with them and I have been so struck how God has been with the ,how they cling to Him in their grief, Crying out to the Lord. Their openness, mourning and faith point me to the power of Jesus’ work and promise that He will not leave or forsake them and the power of the Holy Spirit.

9. What are a few hopes for your kids, especially now that they're adults?

(Editor's Note: This question went unanswered so I guess it's safe to say her kids have met and possibly exceeded the hopes she had for them

10. What do you hope your kids can say about you?

I hope my kids can say that I loved,love,will love them unconditionally .

Thank you, Ma!!


  1. I LOVE this. Especially #9. ;)

  2. Great mention of your perfect kindred sister, separated at birth...but that's ok!
    Glad we both have perfect kids and children in laws. Happy Mother's Day (a day late)


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