October Goals

If you are new here, WELCOME. Recently  I've set a few goals at the beginning of each month as well as looked back at the previous month. 

The idea comes from The Tiny Twig who calls it Goals with Grace which is perfect for September's goals. I'll have a platter of grace, with a side of grace, please.  

September goals revisited:

1. Record expenses and follow a semi budget 
I jinxed myself. I think I spent more in September than I have all year. Record my expenses? If you count a pile of receipts hanging on the front of my fridge then CHECK! 

2. Recommit myself to The {dreaded} Cleaning Schedule


3. Complete my weekly Bible Study on time

This should I have read "Complete my weekly Bible Study AT ALL" Having missed two weeks due to being quarantined with my sick child, I fell off the Bible Study wagon. 

4. Create care packages & gifts 
I created a few gifts and meals, but they weren't wrapped in kraft paper and twine like I had envisioned. A-

5. Finish projects

Let's face it, this will never happen in my lifetime. I will pass down five unfinished projects to my children's children. 

We He is in the process of a few projects though
{See our green grass? God is a wonderful landscaper. Rain, rain, rain}

October Goals
{Keeping it simple}

1. Continue to Bake the Baby
Our last appointment brought up some concerns about the placenta so we are praying and waiting for good news at our next appointment. Meanwhile I'm  not lifting any heavy furniture, just a bunch of chocolate chip cookies. This goal is largely out of my control so this one should be easy!

2. Organize and Store Old Photos
This has to do with our external hard drive failing and us almost losing OUR ENTIRE LIFE in pictures

3. Begin ahem. Work on Caris' Baby Book
Better late than never

4. Celebrate Kent's Ordination 
And a visit from my in-laws 

5. Complete the  October Bucket List 
Coming tomorrow...

No flashback picture to last October (see#2)


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