A Day in the Life {18 months}

7:06 First noises of the day
7:30 Makes her "I've had my alone time, I want to get UPPPP!" noises. Greets the day with a smile.

7:40 Breakfast: Chex cereal, 1/2 a banana and apple sauce.
Her Dad has taught her the important life skill of drinking milk out of the bowl
7:50-8:15 Play

8:15 Diaper changed and dressed, by Dad (shoes aren't usually included)
8:45 First "I'm frustrated. Let me fuss, lay on the floor and suck my thumb" moment of the day

9:00 BYE BYE DA-DA. Off to work!
Is he really gone? 

9:05 Watch 20 minutes of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood while Mom takes a shower
9:30-10:00 Play and read
10:00 Snack: two crackers, 5 yogurt covered raisins and milk

10:17 Leave (LATE!) for Mother Goose on the Loose at the library
10:30-11:45 2 Mother Goose on the Loose sessions (The same one, twice. Usually we only do one)

Waiting for lunch
12:00 Lunch: Chicken and ranch dressing, cheese, half a banana and milk
12:10-12:30 Play and Poo
12:30 Diaper change. I ask her questions to distract her from getting her hands dirty or flipping out. "Did you go in the CAR? Did you SING? 2 little MONKEYS?" Thankfully, it works.

12:30-12:50 Follow Mom around while she cleans and eat two animals crackers

"TWO?! You want TWO?!"

12:56 Rocking and down for a nap

1:00-3:00 Nap
During nap time I clean a little, work on a blog post, read some blogs, walk from room to room because THERE'S NO ONE FOLLOWING ME and eat more than four, but less than 14 Oreos 
3:00-4:50 Play, snack, play. Play independently while Mom makes dinner. This is a small miracle. 

Trying on Mom's sweatshirt 
4:50-5:00 Nursery Rhyme YouTube video while Mom lays on the bed 
5:30 DAD'S HOME and we're all happy to see him. Coming in from the rain, barefoot, hiding his electronics under his shirt 

5:40 Dinner: Enchiladas and green beans. She doesn't eat enough to qualify for fruit or dessert. 

Holding Dad's hand finger to pray while eating. 
6:00 Undiagnosed meltdown 
6:10-6:40 Play with Dad. All is right with the world again 
6:40 Offer her more of her dinner. Nope. Drank some milk. Change into jammies. 

7:00-7:25 Usually Jeopardy with Mom and Dad, but tonight she's interested in sweeping 
7:30 Dad brushes her teeth and puts her to bed. Night night, Baby Caris 


  1. I loved seeing a day in the life of Caris! Thanks!!!

  2. good! i like reading other blogger's "Day in the life" but making one seemed kind of boring


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