
Today we had a couple over after church. We fed them barbecue and homemade browned butter chocolate chip cookies and talked for three hours. Last Sunday I was back in my jammie shorts by 12:30 and fed my kids bologna sandwiches on leftover hamburger buns. 
There's grace and space for both
 Last Sunday my kids read books while I got ready for church. This Sunday they watched a lengthy Sesame Street episode. Last Sunday they picked out their outfits and this Sunday I had them in smocked dresses. Grace and space.
(Also, their hoarding tendnacies surface on Sunday mornings- they all gather bags and purses and stuff them full of treasures. In this picture there's an untold amount of books, fairies, necklaces, barbies and other trinkets under the blanket)  
Unrelated::Happy 9th birthday Patch! 
(Notice the dog shirts on Caris and Liza for the occasion-  that was their idea and it made this festive Mama PROUD) He celebrated with a donut shaped dog bone topped with a layer of peanut butter 


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