
Dear Dominos pizza, you seemed over priced, but when I tasted your garlicky goodness, I changed my mind and decided to order "real" pizza more often

Dear phone and car keys, I spend 89% of my day looking for one of you (or both)

Dear Kent, yes, the only time that I need to talk (quickly and loudly) about all the pressing things on my mind is when you roll over to fall asleep

Dear library visit without kids, WOW you are SO QUIET

Dear Audrey, who knew Ranch salad dressing smeared in your hair could smell so bad?

Dear lingering cough that we all have, COUGH BE GONE! (Said in my Dan F. voice)

Dear cold, wet winter days, you get a bad rap, but I secretly love you

Dear Dollar Tree worker, I'm sorry that I paid for my $2.07 total with a five dollar bill, thus making you give me 93 cents in change but these children around me are bickering and distracting me from digging through my receipt laden wallet

Dear old videos, I can only watch a few of you before I want to curl up in a ball of conflicted thankfulness, guilt gratitude and heartbrokeness for the years gone by

Dear big girls, I will never tire of watching your faces as you watch a good tv show. The wide eyes, the slow growing smiles, love it all and love you

Selling Rocks


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