18 Months

Dear Audrey,

It's not my practice (I don't think?) to write an 18 month letter to my babies, but I have yet to write many letters to you on this ol' blog to mark your milestones, so an 18 month letter it is! The lack of letters is not a sign of  lack of love or interest in recording your early years...I'm simply too busy either snuggling you and pulling you off of the kitchen table! (also, true confession, my brain is tired)

Your birth feels like forever ago but it's still hard to wrap my mind around the fact that you've been hanging with us for one and half years now. You bring us so many smiles every day, Baby #3.

At 18 months you can... walk, run, climb, sign "more" and "all done", sleep through the night, find your special lovey no matter where we hide it (to keep you from sucking your thumb), tell us when you have a dirty diaper and say a handful of "words"

Words like... Dada, Mama, Liza, Eat (EEEEEE!!!), Up (UH UH UHHHH!!!), More, Bye bye, Pops/Papa, Yaya, Gigi (sort of), book, water (wa wa), poo poo/boo boo (they sound alike)

You love when you sisters play with you and make you laugh, bath time, sucking your thumb while sniffing your lovey's ears, eating, being included with the big kids, sliding at the park by yourself, playing with baby dolls, getting mommy's attention (MAAA!!!), coloring, playing outside and snuggling with daddy.

You dislike when your sisters bother you, getting woken up abruptly from a nap, not getting your own way and visiting the library

The HIGHLIGHT of each day is when daddy gets home. You gasp, yell "DA DA!!!" and make a beeline for the front door.

At 18 months, you wear 12-18 month clothes, just moved to a size 4 diaper and weigh about 23 pounds.

We love watching you learn and at this age it seems like you're discovering something new everyday.

Auds McGauds, we love you so much!

Love, Mommy


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