Tuesdays with Mommy

On Tuesday mornings we haul butt bottom back "in to town" for a moms group at my parents church

Moms group?
Mom's group?

Parents church?
Parent's church?

I've donated my brain cells to my three blossoming children and I only write grocery lists and sentences to copy like SEE JANE RUN. 

After 2 hours at church I can't bring myself to turn around and go home. I mean, we're all dressed in real clothes and in town. Sometimes we wander around Target where I decline multiple pleads to buy toys until I find myself with three children squeezed into a bathroom stall. The safest place to retreat to is Pops and Gigi's house, of course. My mom isn't home so I don't have to feel guilty when she drops everything to cook for us and play with us. We have the big house to ourselves! 
 Sometimes we scrounge around their fridge, sometimes I pack PBJs and sometimes they have cupcakes and coffee lying around
Sometimes the girls play upstairs while Audrey does some light reading 
 When she needs a reading break, she kicks a cup around the kitchen
 Before we leave we gather all of our stuff that we've scattered hither and yon (along with the pile from last time that my mom has kindly left on the dining room table for us) and sometimes we leave a note on Pops' journal


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