
To my sweet Li on her fourth birthday,

LIZA!! Happy birthday to my middle little baby girl. At four years old you love your Daddy (big time), princesses, pink and purple, your blankie and lovey and playing games. You're quick to help your sisters or mom and dad when we are looking for something or if Audrey drops something, for example.

You don't love getting your picture taken (see above), getting your hair washed, being called "cute" (but "pretty" is okay) or cleaning up toys at the end of the day. Recently I can see (hear, really) your dramatic side coming to life (When talking to sister, "If you do dat again I'm never gonna play with you ever again IN LIFE")

Your love language is physical touch- you love to wrestle with daddy and often walk by him and throw a (hard) love punch at him. When we squeeze you in a tight hug or even pretend to sit on you, we get a lot of laughs out of you.

Lie-zee, you make us LAUGH and bring so much joy to our family. God made you in  a special way and His love for you never, ever runs out. May you always rest in that love.

Happy 4th birthday, loverbug!!




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