
Hi, friends. Are you still there? (Said in my best Meg Ryan You've Got Mail voice)

Although I compose blog posts in my head, they rarely make it to the big screen. Thanks for hanging around.

4 Things You Can Do This December 
to help yourself out

Keep in mind that two days ago I had a reheated slice of Little Caesars Pizza at 9:30 for breakfast and yesterday, after some conflict in the playroom, I received this piece of mail by my bedroom door

So take the following with a grain of salt.


"TURN DOWN FOR WHAT" is a song that came out a few years ago and I don't know anything about it except that they yell "TURN DOWN FOR WHAT" many times. I think it came out the year I become a mom so that's my excuse, but in reality, the Cool Boat sailed long before I made it to the dock. This month I think we could all TURN DOWN the noise. Thanks to social media (Get that soapbox away from me! Not today!), we have so many voices talking to us. Usually all good things... recipes you have to try, kitchen hacks, life hacks, products that are worth your money, advent ideas, expectations...TURN DOWN FOR WHAT. Obviously for Jesus, but even if you don't, the empty void is good for the soul. Just like, sit and don't have all the things flood your mind for a minute. Take a social media sabbath once a week or at least (pretty please) on Christmas Day. 

2. Cut It Out

You know your list? Full of fun things to do and see? Cut it in half. Instead of 4 treats, bake 2 (Look, Dad, math!) Fun things are fun until they're overwhelming. If you breeze through your half-list, you'll feel proud and accomplished and can make another half-list. Woot!

3. Set Yourself Up

...for success! I have a small countdown chalkboard that I kept in the kitchen. After bedtime, the kitchen would be abandoned and my sign would read "13 days until Halloween" on October 24th. Every morning Caris and I would have the same conversation 

"I know, I know, I need to change it. Oops!"

It was like that Groundhog movie with Bill Murray. As much of parenthood is. NOW I keep the chalkboard in the bathroom, which I pass after I put the girls to bed, and I zip in there to change the number. We've been steadily counting down to Christmas ever since. Same for advent reading- breakfast instead of dinner when we're all 95% happier.  

4. Let Go

Let go of the expectations for quiet advent readings where everyone is attentive and responsive. My dining room scene will never look like Ann Voskamp (those Canadians rock) Instead, I will wonder if my child is listening at all and then 11 hours later I will find her jumping off the top of a Little Tikes car yelling "Zechariah!!!!" over and over again. Give it a go, breathe deep, smile and let it go. 


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