
Making: Buckeyes 
Cooking: Chili and cornbread
Drinking: Not enough (who has time for the potty breaks?) 
Reading: Toy Dance Party 
Wanting: Hair like 90's Annette Bening (see Watching below) 
Looking: For boots 
Eating: Pizza 
Wishing: I hadn't bought a particular pair of jeans 
Enjoying: Listening to my big girls sing Christmas songs
Thinking: About tweeking parts of kindergarten for next semester 
Celebrating: Christmas (EXCITED FACEEEEEE)
Loving:  Trees and twinkle lights around the house 
Hoping: Someone signs up for my co op class 
Needing: To sleep like a rock tonight 
Listening: To Kent snore sleep
Feeling: Grateful 
Wearing: Black and grey leggings, black and grey shirt, red/green/white striped fuzzy socks 
Texting: My mom 


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