
Making: A handful of Sunday School lesson plans for our church 
Cooking: Y'all...I made spaghetti noodles with scrambled eggs and green beans for lunch 
Drinking: Diet Sodas over the weekend at my in-laws 
Reading: Wonder
Wanting: All the sweets, but buttons don't lie. 
Looking: At home school curriculum for next year 
Eating: Swedish fish 
Wishing: My new sandals would arrive soon 
Enjoying: Watching the girls play with their cousins over the weekend 
Thinking: It felt great to donate four large trash bags full of clothes 
Celebrating: Movie night + popcorn tonight (A favorite for the girls)
Loving: This rainy Sunday afternoon   
Hoping: To order some fun, big back yard things soon
Needing: A meal plan (see Cooking above) 
Listening: To Caris and Liza play hide-and-seek 
Feeling: Relieved that Kent is parenting during the Whiney Stage of rest time 
Wearing: 10 year old Clemson sweatpants and a striped t-shirt 
Watching: The Greatest Showman with Kent's family on Friday

Texting: A lady from my parent's church about free tickets to the ballet on Friday (Cinderella!)


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