5 on Friday

ya know, the post that's halfway finished on Friday morning and gets posted on Sunday
1. Kent's back from his three day Redneck Church Planting Retreat in TN.  Tough life. winkyface This morning he took the big girls to the park and while Audrey naps, I'm walking around in circles in a quiet house. PRAISE HANDS.

2. Kent is convinced that I don't like listening to music. That's a pretty general statement and I don't like to make a quick correction:: I like listening to music in the right setting. 

Right time: When I'm alone and it's quiet. Ben Rector and I are jamming right now

Wrong time: When our entire family is getting ready for the day and he & Deitrick decide to remind us that HE IS ABLE! Don't give up on God, LEMME IRON THAT SHIRT REAL QUICK 'cause he won't give up on you GIRLS, BRUSH YOUR TEETH AND HAIR He's able. 

3. AuddyAnna is 8 months (WHAT??) and it seems like, to the older girls, that she's reached this unspoken age when they feel that they're allowed to pick her up from belly to sitting up. Liza has even attempted to roll around with Audrey in her arms. This usually results in giggles for both girls, but a parent must stay vigilant because it's all fun and games until it isn't. Somebody put that on a coffee mug for me. 

4. The search continues for our Unicorn Van. Ya know, the Toyota Sienna with the right mileage and price and just between me and you...I'd prefer not white. (Yes, I realize this means we'll probably get a white one HELLO CHURCH PLANTING IN A SMALL TOWN) but I just...get tripped up on white cars.. no good explanation. 

5. I'm currently accepting tried and true recipes to bring to my church pot luck lunch. There's one downside to this potluck (Well, two if you're an introvert, then there's the whole socializing thing) where twelve people gather.... You can't hide. It's a wonderful time to apply the gospel to your heart, "Hey y'all, here's my mushy meal and yes, my righteousness is in Jesus and not my cooking skills" But you still have to walk in and out with the dish. In a larger church, you at least have the possibility that no one will be paying attention when you throw it on a random table. This Sunday I'm crossing my fingers and making a chicken and rice slow cooker combo and I tried my hand at pimento cheese. SO fill that inbox with easy prep, no fail recipes! {And could Kent and I be anymore different? Every meal in heaven will be a potluck lunch for him while I would like a brown bagged lunch to eat while sitting on a secluded bench overlooking the new earth amen}   


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