A New Decade

I shifted a small army of princess board books to Kent's side of the bed and moved a pile of folded laundry from the end of the bed to my dresser. I climbed into bed and bid my 20's goodbye. 

That is the beginning of my memoir. What do you think?

I wish I had profound, well thought out ideas about finishing my 20's and entering a new decade, but I don't. I'll just go with Kent's quote about turning 30, "You're old enough to be wise, but young enough not to be old." SOLID thoughts right there, you guys! 

While the thought of actually aging freaks the bajeebers out of me (as does death, but that's a post for another day. And possibly a counseling session?) I have to quote one of the first quotes I ever pinned on Pinterest, "Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many" (Winston Churchill. Just kidding. Author unknown) And so, onward ho into my 30's! 

rabbit trail Isn't it an odd, daunting feeling to wonder if I will face suffering in this decade, unlike the previous one? It's quite possible.

I don't have big dreams for this new decade (Yet? Ever?). I realized yesterday that I will probably spend a large part of my 30's with my face dangerously close to a public toilet, wiping small bottoms after marathon long poop sessions (whyyyyy? why always in public?). Maybe I can do small things with great love (Mother T) and serve my family for their good and God's glory. To live a quiet life and work with my hands (1 Thessalonians 4).

Three cheers for thirty!


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