
Before I delve into a Thanksgiving recap, I pause to recognize that some of my readers are going through some pretty sad/hard/intense/scary times right now. If my blog provides a mindless distraction, read on. But if you need to leave for a while, I understand and I welcome you back at any time. End pause.

We celebrated Thanksgiving all together for the first time in about six years, if my calculations are correct. We had two special visitors, Karen (Karan? Karin?) and Robin. Robin, please forgive me as your group picture is lost somewhere between my email account and desktop folder entitled "blog, despite multiple attempts to find it.  

Let's zoom in on the lovable wacknuts with whom I share a home. Prayers appreciated. ha ha 
Pre-meal baseball with Pops
A turkey tutu shirt?! Stop it.
The concentration and zeal that Ben put into peeling the potatoes was not lost on us.
This was PAB. Pre Ant Bite. A small army of fire ants attacked Cruz. Bless him.
Story time with Aunt Anna. Parenting Rule #73 "If, while in the presence of extended family, your child asks you to read them a book, you have the right to request that the extended family member read said book."
After the meal we sat around, drank coffee, ate cheesecake and yakked it up like real adults.
While the babies napped, Big Sis enjoyed a private viewing of Lady and the Tramp. It was a great day!


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