
Making: 60 pumpkin muffins last night
Cooking:  Taco soup and corn bread 
Drinking:  I've temporarily given up coffee for no real reason
Reading: Liza loves having "The Pout Pout Fish" read to her
Wanting: To be able to find a pen to write with when I need it. Where are our pens hiding? 
Looking: For cheap-ish fall boots/winter shoes for Caris 
Eating: 48 pumpkin muffins (I gave 12 to a friend. How's my math, dad?) 
Wishing: I had magic dish washing fairies 
Enjoying: A purged bedroom and hallway closet 
Thinking:  About taking the girls to the Y this afternoon
Celebrating: Kent sprayed cooking oil on the squeaky pantry door and I feel liberated from the bondage of annoyance 
Loving: The anticipation of the holidays  
Hoping:  That the days go by s l o w l y 
Needing: To get the purged closet items out of the garage and to Goodwill. baby steps y'all 
Smelling: The great outdoors with the doors and windows open 
Listening: To Caris work at the craft table
Feeling:  Totally stoked about the holiday season 
Wearing: Grey shirt, pants and socks. Let me repeat. I'm wearing PANTS. and SOCKS. YAY!!
Watching: Gilmore Girls (season one) I'm behind the times


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