5 on Friday {or Saturday}

I've been hit by the plague since Wednesday. I'm a silent sufferer until a couple days in and then I let me true dramatic self show by sending sick-face selfie texts to my mom and husband and anyone who might write back. I won't go into details (yuck) but I truly don't think I've been this sick since elementary school!  want me to send you a sick face selfie? 

Here are 5 perks from my time as a convalescent too dramatic? 

1. I've enjoyed seeing Kent as a stay-at-home dad. He takes them to the Y for 2 hours and then takes them back out again in the afternoon. His words, "You gotta keep these kids busy!" While I've been bedridden, I listened to what my life r e a l l y sounds like. Does Liza REALLY say, "mommydaddymommydaddddy" over and over when she wants something? And Caris has these interesting well thought out ideas that I'm too distracted (see Liza above) to hear. I love hearing my life from a distance.

2. Television without guilt. While Kent worked, we watched Bambie (Caris' choice) and Lady and The Tramp (my choice) and a handful of tv shows. Liza is interested for 0.45 seconds but 1/2 kids isn't bad.

3. I don't see a marathon run in my future so this is my only excuse to drink Gatorade. I also felt the liberty to send Kent to the store last night for Gatorade, crackers and popsicles.

4. Not sure if this is true (we don't own a scale) but I'm feeling skinny like circa 2010! ha ha ha

5. I had plans to march around this weekend and make Kent clorox clean the front & back porch, hang stuff in the house, yata yata so #5 is for Kent-- a weekend without me and my to-do list.

I said this on Thursday and was wrong, but I think I'm on the mend this time!


  1. Hope you get better and it doesn't spread to the rest of the family!


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