Day 2: 5 Things

1. On a chilly Wednesday morning, January 28th, we had a spontaneous family dance party and then I exclaimed "LET'S WALK THIS BABY OUT!" before my 11 AM doctor's appointment. 
2. My doctor told me that I was in active labor and I should head to the hospital around 2PM, if things stayed the same and I replied "Today?" with wide eyes. Although my water broke when I got home, I sent Kent to a lunch appointment and told him to keep his phone nearby. Rookie mistake. I called him  45 minutes later to come home. He answered his phone as if he was part of a SWAT team "It's time??" and I said, "I mean, that's a little dramatic, but yeah, I think you should come home."

3. Caris had like, 2 glorious, uninteruppted hours with the iPad while I finished packing, cleaned and labored. Kent scrambled to find an available babysitter since it was Wednesday afternoon and all of our emergency people were youth group volunteers. Rookie Mistake #2. I remember I kept changing my outfit thinking, "Will I be hot? Will I be cold? Cute or comfortable? What do I really want to labor in?" We're talking 4 or 5 changes. 

4. At one point, towards the end of labor, the midwife tilted the bed back at the same time that I ate a piece of orange popsicle at the same time I had a contraction and I thought, "I'm going to die. I'm going to die right here giving birth choking on a piece of popsicle that tastes so good." A triple whammy.
5. Liza joined the world at 6:40 PM and we kept her name a secret until we could tell my parents in person. Liza Shelly! 


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