Day 1: Differences

There are 3 differences, from baby #1 to baby #2, that stand out to me when I look back at my upcoming delivery with Liza.

1. Aside from a 20-week hematoma hiccup, I had a healthy pregnancy and had an end goal of not having another c-section. February 7th loomed over my head as my cut off date. Literally. TMI? When I expressed my fears, my precious older male doctor from Puerto Rico, smiled with a twinkle in his eye and said with his accent, "This time will be different" 

2. Instead of teaching and then bed rest, I was trying to keep up with a 22 month old. There was a lot of "Must.keep.going.Can't.actually.keep.going" dialogue going on in my head.

3. MY PARENTS WERE IN THE SAME COUNTRY. We were really pumped that they were coming to visit and help. My biggest fear was that they'd come too early and everyone would sit and stare at me for days. The text exchange below was from Tuesday night, I think, and even though I told them not to come, they started driving on Wednesday morning and made it to Caris right around the time that Liza was born. My poor Ma was awake for most of Tuesday night.


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