My view

I'm writing from an undisclosed location (that we love!) in Central Florida and here is my current view: 
Turns out I went a little slap happy when it came to buying 12 month clothes & I could dress every 1 year old girl East of the Mississippi. 

We are all moved into the new house, sans a few items. (I've been itching to use new lingo in my blog posts even if I'm not sure if it fits correctly. Hence the word, sans.... and hence) I liken moving with two young children to digging yourself out of a deep sand pit while people stand up top dumping more sand on you. Here are a few things we already love about the new place...

-More space. Who knew that 250-300-ish sq ft could be so life changing? 
-More storage, less exposed stuff
-Screened in back porch and big yard
-A designated play area for toys 
-We can all fit happily in the big kitchen 
-A big ol' fat beautiful tree in the front yard 
-A tall ceiling in the living room 
-A wood burning  fireplace (that we've already used once!) 
-Windows with screens that open. Another life changing amenity 
-All of the bedrooms are on one side of the house 

Until next time-
Peace, love and unpacking 


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