{A Look Back on } 2015

I barreled into 2015 as we anticipated the arrival of our second girl
After she made her debut at the end of January, we bought a one way ticket to Crazytown and things haven't slowed down since.
Most of the year was spent adjusting to being a family of 4. I can now say it rocks and we're having a blast most days
Caris became a Big Sister, potty trained and so much more...
..including no naps, for the most part. Here's my non-napper. 
We trudged through some tough months in parenting when discipline/consistancy/whattheheckarewesupposedtodo thoughts were always on our mind 
We watched sweet Liza grow and develop through out the year. Think of the milestones! And although she spent her first 2 months of life in a bouncy chair up on the kitchen counter, I'm relieved to report that she seems is psychologically well adjusted and not emotionally neglected. 
Big independent girl
Finally, we watched Kent's Tigers play a great season! Welcome 2016! 


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