May & June Goals

I didn't write down my May Goals (which may have been beneficial in a weird sort of way to my productivity) but here are my

May Goals 
{in Review}
(LAST May)
1. Watch an embarrassingly large amount of HGTV 
I mentioned before that we had a free month of HGTV and we're proud to say that we ROCKED THIS GOAL.

2. Act Right Feel Right
There were a number of things that fell under this goal. Things like...
-Stop buying random junk and buy the $10 bath mat that you think is overpriced
-Organize the garage because if I hit my car door on one more stroller/dog/grill, I might burn the whole place down

3. Make one change for the girls
This could've been potty training, thumb sucking or big girl bed transition. We tackled the Big Girl Bed Move and I'm still too "into it" to write any sort of wise or witty blog post about it. Maybe next month week? This move allowed Liza to move from pack n play to the crib and I'm pretty sure I saw her mouth "th-an-k y-ouu" when I put her in the crib.

June Goals
and how is it June already??
(Last June. Elias and Caris)
1. Spend 2 weeks at the beach
Not so much a goal as something to look forward to. It's a hard life, but somebody's gotta do it.

2. Make "real" food
Overall I've taken an unexpected cooking/baking sabbatical because....dishes. Also, Kent has explored his creative side through grilling and cooking or he's been gone (a lot. but I AM NOT COMPLAINING) so Caris and I eat...I don't even know what...cheese sticks and corn dogs. I plan to make from-scratch muffins and a few {complicated, delicious} meals before we leave town.

3. Clean behind/beneath our sofa 
This is self explanatory and hasn't happened ever in awhile. I recently looked underneath and saw 3 stray toys, a pillow and a pair of clean socks. Insert a few other detailed cleaning tasks here.


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