Traveling with a toddler

As much fun as it was to see our families, by the end of both trips I was ready to check myself into the Loony Bin for a couple of days. 

I'm not very good with math, but I know that the answer to almost any parent/child equation is SLEEP.

No sleep? Life...? 
Not enough sleep? Life is bad
Enough sleep? Life is good

I can't complain too much about my traveling sidekick. As she's gotten older, she'll scream occasionally in the car, but we don't experience hours on end of screaming and gnashing of (her 4) teeth. 

Once we reach our destination, it all goes downhill. Quickly. From the start of vacation, she would average 10 or less hours a night and for a girl who always clocks in at 12+ hours, this was a big deal over time. 

Many, many meltdowns
A tiny pack-n-play (and this sleeping position) won't getcha' 12 hours of sleep 
Even naps weren't enough to hold her together (How cute are these two?)
The kids weren't the only ones in need of some rest
We had high hopes for vacation #2 where she'd be treated to a comfy, full size crib. The only hitch? We weren't even a foot away from the crib. 

"Mom? MOM? MOMMM? Is that YOU??"

I have never laid so still or held my breath for so long. 

Surely she'll fall back asleep.

Well meaning family members on both sides would ask, "What's wrong with her?" The unspoken answer in my head went something like, "EVERYTHING and NOTHING" Sleep, sleep, sleep.

While sleep is key, we know there are other factors as well. Kent and I will be the first to admit that we brought a (cute) sinner into the world. This will be an ongoing theme on the blog in the years  months to come. 

This is her rebellious "can't touch this" move. 
SO after 4 weeks on the road, we've happily put our suitcases far, far away in the closet never to be seen again... until Thanksgiving. 


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