Coffee Date

If I invited you over for a coffee date, I'd be embarrassed and kicking myself that the last one was in April. But then I'd remind myself that I'm an introvert and inviting anyone over twice is a success. This time you would ring the doorbell and ten seconds later a spunky-turned-shy seventeen month old would round the corner from the living room and stand there staring at you. Inside she'd probably be surprised that you weren't her "DA-DA".

I'd invite you in and tell Caris to, "Say hi to our new friend!". She'd continue to stare and I'd reassure us all that "She'll warm up eventually." I'd offer for you to sit on the sofa, the recliner and EVEN THE FLOOR because I would have just mopped it. I'd offer you tea, coffee, orange juice and a random hummus and Triscuits. There would've been no last minute baking around my house.

By this time Caris would be running around with toys and balls and random objects. When she saw me snacking, she'd toddle to me and repeat "Mo mo mo dees dees dees mo mo" until I shared with her.

The extremely loud air conditioner would kick on every 5 minutes or so because I would have turned it down a couple degrees for us. And hopefully you would have no idea that somewhere in the house, stuck in a tiny bathroom, with the vent running, was a 75 pound dog just dying to get out.

I'd probably share about my recent play dates with Moms from the church, how the Thursday morning Bible Study is starting back up and how glad I'll be when we get back into a schedule.

Eventually it would be time for me to take Baby Girl to Mother Goose on the Loose at the library. I'd invite you, of course, but you would wisely decline.

We would part with a promise not to go another 4 months before we had another coffee date!
 Sticking magnets on the fridge calls for cheering! 


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