
First, dear readers, we have some business to take care of. I'd like to do semi-regular posts on "Thrifting" (something catchy like like Thankful Thursdays) All I have so far is...

More of Caris' Inheritance Down the Drain Mondays


Stuff in my house Saturdays

[Please submit any ideas]

I have inner conflict (deep, counseling word) when it comes to Thrifting. I legitimately don't want a bunch of stuff in my house so the obvious answer would be to avoid shopping altogether (moment of silence while part of me DIES). But the thrill of the hunt keeps me going back again and again. I feel like we've talked about this before...sorry

I looked into joining the local Y as an alternative to shopping, . I pictured Tiny Su and I swimming daily and pumping some iron until I found out that it was ninety-nine dollars a month. That doesn't exactly fit into the monthly budget so my weekly solo outings usually consist of grocery shopping, walking around Target (only to find something on clearance) or....Thrifting... 

Before I bought the following items I rationalized it by saying to myself, "People spend $4.95 on coffee. This purchase will last longer. Just different priorities. We might have more kids- it's a true investment. The swim shirt? We live in Florida now..." That's what was going through my head as I walked around the store holding each item, examining it carefully and debating whether or not to buy it.

From Left to Right:

1. Christmas dress, 18 months for next Christmas. I stripped the baby  manikin for this one. Can you say desperate? 

2. Navy Polo sweater, 18 months for next winter. Slap a bow in her hair and it's girly enough for me.

3. Swim shirt that we actually need (surprise!) 

And much to my surprise, the Goodwill down here has cheaper prices than South Carolina! Each item above was $1.49. I've gone twice so far and each time they ask me if I have any discounts (discounts?!) which means A) I look like a senior citizen 55 years + or B) I look like a college student

I'm banking on B, but most days I feel like A.


  1. As you know my mom and I are big thrifters, so I know how you feel. When we got to Spain I hated having to buy something at a store that I could get at a thrift store in the US. Drove me crazy! But we have now found a good second hand store and I have been four times. I call it "buy thereby". I enjoy getting a good price on a little toy or trinket. It makes me feel less stressed and gives me something to look forward to. It also reminds me of times with my mom (it is better with her because she pays). I told Michael that we will just have to budget for my "therapy" because I need it. He doesn't worry because he knows I am trying to buy as little as possible. So my friend, talk to Kent about budgeting some "therapy" money. You have a lot of stress right now.

  2. Thanks RC! Sarah, good point! And I can't go to a thrift store without thinking of my mom- usually it's the oldies music they play- I can see her dancing to it ;)


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