First Sickness

Caris was hit with her first sickness! Kent was kind enough to share it with her last Thursday and it included a fever, runny nose and a cough. She's currently feeling a lot better, but the weekend was when it hit the worst. She was pretty sad and pitiful, but there was a tiny part of us that secretly high-fived each other because she sat still and let us snuggle with her. I'm pretty sure she was this old the last time she was that still. So we soaked up our time with the never rarely seen calm Baby Caris and I took the opportunity to introduce her to my favorite {vintage} Sesame Street clip-- here. Let's just say it involves James Taylor and a tuba... 

I'm glad we've survived the first {of many} sicknesses! And trust me, it didn't go unnoticed that I had to miss church last Sunday... I'll be back in the game this coming Sunday which happens to be another solo church attendance for Caris and me! 


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