Halloween 2019

I feel the need to apologize for the following grainy/blurry pictures, but if you've been around long enough, you probably expect it winkyface 

Do you feel like on the most fun days- holidays, birthdays, trips, the parenting is the hardest? Like WHATISHAPPENINGHERELET'SHAVEFUN. Deep breaths. 

We had Wacky Day at our home school co op, CC, and I give full credit to Kent for the hair design and execution. Nicely done! 
We stopped by Chick fil A on the way home to score free ice cream with our super hero costumes
If you saw me, you may have thought I was leaning over and praying "God our father, God our father" in a sing song voice, but I was really praying a sincere but semi guilt ridden prayer that went something like, "Dear God, thank you for a daddy that works so we can split two chick fil a sandwiches instead of eating PBJs on stale bread at home. And for a mommy that remembers to pack costumes so we can change in the van and enjoy ice cream. Please give us soft and thankful hearts to enjoy these things" I managed to let them play in the play place instead of toting them all back to the van while chanting, "Chick fil A didn't even cross my lips until at least 8th grade and we drove there in a wood paneled station wagon. Beat that, babes" PARENTING IS SANCTIFYING.
Our church was involved the town's Main Street event so I flew solo until we left for that. We had extended rest time, watched a huge thunder storm roll in and out and hoped that the event wouldn't be canceled. We recovered with help from TV, popcorn, make up and fake hair. Trick or treating was a go! 
Our knight in shining armor joined us. 
(Proof that I was there)
A picture to remind me that I held the hand of a sweet two year old princess in search of more candy on a rainy halloween night


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