Thankful Thursday

1. The birthday girl (tomorrow) pictured above

2. Audrey didn't cry when I dropped her off or picked her up from class today

3. Caris' odd class presentation, "This is my one legged barbie. And I named her Gertie. And we got her from a yard sale. I like to play with her and make her hop around" (And the parental sanctification that comes from hearing that and refraining from saying, "Pretty sure we didn't get it from a yard sale!!!")

4. A breeze today

5. Linen pants that feel suspiciously like pajama pants

6. New friends

7. A husband that will cook dinner while I run errands

8. Sausage, egg and cheese sandwich on a white hamburger bun toasted with a layer of butter. My waistline says no but my heart says yes

9. Chocolate creme Oreos (Get the heart cath ready)

10. Clean sheets


  1. Hahahahaha Caris’s presentation has me actually laughing out loud.

  2. great pic of my kindred sister and your girls!


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