Father's Day

Much love on this Father's Day to the man who taught me how to repent, that the moon is connected to the ocean tides, that it's okay to change jobs and the importance of having a "pre-pool" to wash your feet off before getting into the actual pool. Thanks for always lending a listening ear, teaching me how to ride a bike but not drive a stick shift (hey, we tried...) and for attending countless games, concerts, performances, etc x 4
And to the teenage summer camp volunteer-turned-husband-turned Daddy to my three girls
who is teaching them how to repent, supports us both monetarily and emotionally (WE ARE A FRAGILE BUNCH OVER HERE) and shares his love of two minute "how to" food tutorials with his children in abundance. We're thankful for you and if all you really want in life is 5 minutes alone every morning to get ready without one of us bothering you, I hope we can do that for your more often. We love you "times a million"


  1. Love the photo of your dad in the wading pool! Priceless.


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